Blue Monkey Balls!

Yep. You read that right. And the picture confirms it. From the album: Timeline Photos By I fucking love science Across the animal kingdom, males can be brightly colored to attract females. Vervet monkeys also fall into this category, but only with their scrotums which are bright blue. However, this coloring comes with a catch:…

Economy of Scale

  Giant Ant Colony Excavated, You won’t believe what they build underground! Although this story isn’t new by any means (October 2012 by Amazing Earth ), it shows what can be accomplished with one of the major transitions in Evolution: social living.  Humans are not the only creatures that modify their environments or build on a…

Antibiotic Resistance and Drug Discovery

Antibiotic resistance is a topic we discuss in my class.  With our current textbook, we mostly talk about ciprofloxacin and Campylobacter resistance, but there are many, many more examples, including drug-resistant strains of Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus, and lots more.  Most people aren’t aware that the problem of antibiotic resistance isn’t new.  Penicillin began to be used…

Using Google Maps to Follow Darwin Last Friday, September 13, 2013, Google didn’t have a doodle.  What it did have was a link under the search box to follow Charles Darwin’s voyage through the Galapagos archipelago. There are a couple of YouTube videos that give you an overview of what the project was about and what they did–and some of…

Evolution Is an Opportunist-By Wynne Parry and Quanta Magazine

Evolution is an Opportunist We just talked about theoretical models (and blue moon butterflies) in class, and how they help us make better scientific predictions and help us refine our understanding of, well, how stuff works.  This article talks about using computer models (computational studies) about metabolism, and how they support the idea of evolutionary…