Many of many of these papers are available as pdf files from the journal web sites – click on the link at the end of the citation or the pdf icon next to the citation. If you are unable to download any of these reprints (because your library does not have the necessary subscription to, e.g., Science Direct) please contact me (dburdige “@” odu “dot” edu) and I will send you a reprint via e-mail or US mail. Copies of many earlier publications can be found here and copies of older and newer publication can also be found at the ODU Digital Commons site (click here and then type my last name in the search box in the upper left side of this this page).
Reprints downloaded directly from this site can only be used for non-commercial or educational purposes. Please don’t go and try to sell them on eBay. I promise you that you won’t make any money and we both might go to jail.
Pick a decade
Burdige, D.J. 2006. Geochemistry of Marine Sediments. Princeton Univ. Press. (click here for additional information)
Manuscripts in submission
Published papers and book chapters (by decades)
Burdige, D.J., Komada, T. and Abdulla, H. 2024. Sediment pore waters, in: Hansell, D.A., Carlson, C. (eds.), Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter (3rd ed.). Elsevier, pp. 247-315. download a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J. 2024. Estuarine and coastal sediments – coupled biogeochemical cycling. in Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 2nd ed. (T. Jennerjahn and J.J. Middelburg, eds.). Elsevier. pp. 578-625. download a pdf copy
Reithmaier, G. M. S., Cabral, A., Akhand, A., Bogard, M. J., Borges, A. V., Bouillon, S., Burdige, D. J., Call, M., Chen, N., Chen, X., Jr., L. C. C., Eagle, M. J., Kristensen, E., Kroeger, K. D., Lu, Z., Maher, D. T., Pérez-Lloréns, L. J., Ray, R., Taillardat, P., Tamborski, J. J., Upstill-Goddard, R. C., Wang, F., Wang, Z. A., Xiao, K., Yau, Y. Y. Y. & Santos, I. R. 2023. Inorganic carbon export from mangroves and saltmarshes enhances coastal acidification. Nature Comm. 14:8196. download a pdf copy
Johannesson, K. H., Horne, J. D., Misra, A., Aliperta, C., Meletis, O. V., Santore, R. C., White, C. D., Mavrommati, G. & Burdige, D. J. 2023. Acidification of northeastern USA lakes from rising anthropogenic-sourced atmospheric carbon dioxide and its effects on aluminum speciation. Geophys. Res. Letters 50:e2023GL104957. download a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J. and Christensen, J.P. 2022. Iron biogeochemistry in sediments on the western continental shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 326:288-312. download pdf copy
Lin, C. Y., Bradbury, H. J., Antler, G., Burdige, D. J., Bennett, T. D., Li, S. & Turchyn, A. V. 2022. Sediment mineralogy influences the rate of microbial sulfate-reduction in marine sediments. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 598:117841. download a pdf copy.
Yao, P., Bianchi, T. S., Burdige, D. J., Feng, X. & Raymond, P. A. 2022. Editorial: Carbon cycling in aquatic critical zones. Front. Earth Sci. 10: 975323. download a pdf copy.
Chevis, D.A., Mohajerin, T.J., Yang, N., Cable, J.E., Rasbury, E.T., Hemming, S.R., Burdige, D.J., Martin, J.B., White, C.D. and Johannesson, K.H. 2021. Neodymium isotope geochemistry of a subterranean estuary. Frontiers in Water 3: 778344. download a pdf copy.
Forsch, K., Hahn-Woernle, L., Sherrell, R.M., Roccanova, V.J., Bu, K., Burdige, D., Vernet, M. and Barbeau, K.A. 2021. Seasonal dispersal of fjord meltwaters as an important source of iron to coastal Antarctic phytoplankton. Biogeosciences 18: 6349-6375. download a pdf copy
Santos, I.R., Burdige, D.J., Jennerjahn, T.C., Bouillon, S., Cabral, A., Serrano, O., Wernberg, T., Filbee-Dexter, K., Guimond, J. and Tamborski, J.J. 2021. The renaissance of Odum’s outwelling hypothesis in ‘Blue Carbon’ science. Est. Coastal Shelf Sci. 255: 107361 (invited feature article). download pdf copy
Abdulla, H.A., Burdige, D.J. and Komada, T. 2020. Formation of abiotic dissolved organic sulfur in anoxic sediment of Santa Barbara Basin. Org. Geochem. 139: 103879. download pdf copy
Lyons, W.B. and D.J. Burdige. 2020. An introduction to “Microbial biogeochemistry: A special issue of Aquatic Geochemistry honoring Mark Hines”. Aquat. Geochem. 26:179-181. download a pdf copy.
Burdige, D.J. and Komada, T. 2020. Iron redox cycling, sediment resuspension and the role of sediments in low oxygen environments as sources of iron to the water column. Mar. Chem. 223: 103793. download pdf copy
Long, M.H., Sutherland, K., Wankel, S.D., Burdige, D.J. and Zimmerman, R.C. 2020. Ebullition of oxygen from seagrasses under supersaturated conditions. Limnol. Oceanogr. 65, 314-324. download pdf copy
Taylor, R.S., DeMaster, D.J. and Burdige, D.J. 2020. Assessing the distribution of labile organic carbon from diverse depositional environments on the West Antarctic Peninsula Shelf. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 156:103166. download pdf copy
Long, M. H., Rheuban, J., McCorkle, D. C., Burdige, D. J., and Zimmerman, R. C. 2019. Closing the oxygen mass balance in shallow coastal ecosystems. Limnol. Oceanogr. 64:2694-2708. download pdf copy
Abdulla, H.A., D.J. Burdige, and T. Komada. 2018. Accumulation of deaminated peptides in anoxic sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 223:245-258. download pdf copy
Bianchi, T.S., X. Cui, N.E. Blair, D.J. Burdige, T.I. Eglinton, and V. Galy. 2018. Centers of organic carbon burial and oxidation at the land-ocean interface. Org. Geochem. 115:138-155. (invited review) download pdf copy
Burdige D.J. 2018. Diagenesis. in Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology (Bobrowsky P., Marker B., eds.). Springer. DOI: download pdf copy
Fox, C. A., H.A. Abdulla, D.J. Burdige, J.P. Lewicki, and T. Komada. 2018. Composition of unfractionated dissolved organic matter in anoxic marine sediments analyzed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Front. Mar Sci., 5:172. DOI: download pdf copy
Fox, C., H. A. Abdulla, D. J. Burdige, J. P. Lewicki and T. Komada (2018). Corrigendum : Composition of dissolved organic matter in pore waters of anoxic marine sediments analyzed by 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 230. download pdf copy
Najjar, R., et al. (30 co-authors including DJB). 2018. Carbon budget of tidal wetlands, estuaries, and shelf waters of Eastern North America. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32:389-416. download pdf copy
Fassbender, A.J., et al. (74 co-authors including DJB). 2017. Perspectives on chemical oceanography in a changing environment: Participants of the COME ABOARD Meeting examine the field in the context of 40 years of DISCO. Mar. Chem. 196:181-190. download pdf copy
Johannesson, K. H., C. D. Palmore, J. Fackrell, N. G. Prouty, P. W. Swarzenski, D. A. Chevis, K. Telfeyan, C. D. White, and D. J. Burdige. 2017. Rare earth element behavior during groundwater–seawater mixing along the Kona Coast of Hawaii. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 198:229-258. download pdf copy

Johannesson, K. H., Palmore, C.D., Fackrell, J., Prouty, N. G., Swarzenski, P. W., Chevis, D. A., Telfeyan, K., White, C. D., Burdige, D. J. 2017. Corrigendum to “Rare earth element behavior during groundwater–seawater mixing along the Kona Coast of Hawaii”. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 205: 381-382. download pdf copy
Bianchi, T.S., K.M. Schreiner, R.W. Smith, D.J. Burdige, and D. Conley. 2016. Changes in coastal redox: Human versus natural causes. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet Sci, 44: 295-319. download a pdf copy
Burdige, D. J., T. Komada, C. Magen, and J. P. Chanton. 2016. Methane dynamics in Santa Barbara Basin (USA) sediments as examined with a reaction-transport model. J. Mar. Res., 74:277-313. download a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J., T. Komada, C. Magen and J.P. Chanton. 2016. Modeling studies of dissolved organic matter cycling in Santa Barara Basin sediment pore waters. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acts, 195:100-119. download a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J., T. Komada, C. Magen and J.P. Chanton. 2016. Carbon cycling in Santa Barbara Basin sediments: A modeling study. J. Mar. Res., 74:133-159.
Cutter, G. A., and D. J. Burdige. 2016. A tribute to Thomas M. Church: Exploring chemical oceanography in the coastal zone—the history and future. Aquat Geochem 22, 271-274.
Hung, C.-W., K.-H. Huang, Y.-Y. Shih, Y.-S. Lin, H.-H. Chen, C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Hung and D. Burdige. 2016. Benthic fluxes of dissolved organic carbon from gas hydrate sediments in the northern South China Sea. Sci. Reports
Hung, C.-C., Y.-F. Chen, S.-C. Hsu, K. Wang, J. F. Chen, and D. J. Burdige. 2016. Using rare earth elements to constrain particulate organic carbon flux in the East China Sea. Scientific Reports, 6: 33880.
Komada, T., D. J. Burdige, H.-L. Li, C. Magen, J. Chanton, and A. K. Cada. 2016. Organic matter cycling across the sulfate-methane transition zone of the Santa Barbara Basin, California Borderland. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 176:259-278.
Komada T, Burdige D.J., Magen C., Li H.-L., Chanton J. 2016. Recycling of organic matter in the sediments of Santa Monica Basin, California Borderland. Aquat. Geochem. DOI: 10.1007/s10498-016-9308-0.
Burdige, D.J. 2015. Introduction to marine sediment geochemistry. Limnology and Oceanography e-Lectures 5: 2164-0254. download a copy of the lecture
Burdige, D.J. and Komada, T. 2015. Sediment pore waters. in Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter 2nd ed. (D. Hansell and C. Carlson, eds.). Elsevier. pp. 535-577. download a pdf copy
Chevis, D. A., K. H. Johannesson, D. J. Burdige, J. Tang, S. B. Moran, and R. P. Kelly. 2015. Submarine groundwater discharge of rare earth elements to a tidally-mixed estuary in southern Rhode Island. Chem. Geol., 397:128-142. download a pdf copy
Chevis, D. A., K. H. Johannesson, D. J. Burdige, J. E. Cable, J. B. Martin, and M. Roy. 2015. Rare earth element cycling in a sandy subterranean estuary in Floria, USA. Mar. Chem. 176: 34-50. download a pdf copy
Corbett, J.E., M.M. Tfaily, D.J. Burdige, P.H. Glaser, and J.P. Chanton. 2015. The relative importance of methanogensis in the decomposition of organic matter in northern wetlands. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 2014JG002797. download a pdf copy
Li, W., S. R. Joshi, G. Hou, D. J. Burdige, D. L. Sparks, and D. P. Jaisi. 2015. Characterizing phosphorus speciation of Chesapeake Bay sediments using chemical extraction, 31P, NMR and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Tech. 49: 203-211. download a pdf copy
Joshi, S. R., R. K. Kukkadapu, D. J. Burdige, M. E. Bowden, D. L. Sparks, and D. P. Jaisi. 2015. Organic matter remineralization predominates phosphorus cycling in the mid-bay sediments in the Chesapeake Bay. Environ. Sci. Tech. 49:5887-5896. download a pdf copy

Burdige, D. J., Komada, T. 2013. Using ammonium pore water profiles to assess stoichiometry of deep remineralization processes in methanogenic continental margin sediments. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14: doi:10.1002/ggge.20117. download a pdf copy
Corbett, J.E., D.J. Burdige, M.M. Tfaily, A.R. Dial, W.T. Cooper, P.H. Glaser, and J.P. Chanton. 2013. Surface production fuels deep heterotrophic respiration in northern peatlands. Global Biogeochem.Cycles 27:1163-1174. DOI 10.1002/2013GB004677. download a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J. 2012. Estuarine and coastal sediments – coupled biogeochemical cycling. in Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, vol. 5 (R. Laane and J.J. Middelburg, eds.). pp. 279-316, Elsevier. get a pdf copy
Hu, X., D.J. Burdige, and R.C. Zimmerman. 2012. δ13C is a signature of light availability and photosynthesis in seagrass. Limnol. Oceanogr. 57:441-448. get a pdf copy
Corbett, J.E., M.M. Tfaily, D.J. Burdige, W.T. Cooper P.H. Glaser, and J.P. Chanton 2012. Partitioning pathways of CO2 production in peatlands with stable carbon isotopes. Biogeochem. DOI 10.1007/s10533-012-9813-1. get a pdf copy

Johannesson, K. H., Chevis, D. A., Burdige, D. J., Cable, J. E., Martin, J. B., and Roy, M. 2011. Submarine groundwater discharge is an important net source of light and middle REEs to coastal waters of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida USA. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75:825-43. get a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J. and T. Komada. 2011. Anaerobic oxidation of methane and the stoichiometry of remineralization processes in continental margin ediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56:1781-1796. get a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J. 2011. The temperature dependence of organic matter remineralization in deeply buried marine sediments. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 311:396-410. get a pdf copy
Dierssen, H.M., R.C. Zimmerman, L.A. Drake, and D. Burdige. 2010. Benthic ecology from space: optics and net primary production across the Great Bahama Bank from seagrass and benthic algae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 411:1-15. get a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J., X. Hu, and R.C. Zimmerman. 2010. The widespread occurrence of carbonate dissolution and reprecipitation in Bahamas Bank sediments. Am. J. Sci. 310:492-521. get a pdf copy
2000 – 2009
Dierssen, H.M., R.C. Zimmerman and D.J. Burdige. 2009. Optics and remote sensing of Bahamian carbonate sediment whitings and potential relationship to wind-driven Langmuir circulation. Biogeosciences 6:487-500. get a pdf copy
Neuweiler, F., E.C. Turner, and D.J. Burdige. 2009. Early Neoproterozoic origin of the Metazoan phylum recorded in carbonate rock texture. Geology 35:475-478.
Neuweiler, F., E.C. Turner, and D.J. Burdige. 2009. Early Neoproterozoic origin of the metazoan clade recorded in carbonate rock texture: REPLY (to a comment by N. Planavsky). Geology 2009 v. 37, p. e196-196 (electronic supplement)
Dierssen, H.M., R.C. Zimmerman, L.A. Drake, and D. Burdige. 2009. Potential transport of unattached benthic macroalgae to the deep sea through wind-driven Langmuir circulation. Geophys. Res. Letters 36: L04602, doi:10.1029/2008GL036188.
Chanton, J. P., P. H. Glaser, L. S. Chasar, D. J. Burdige, M. E. Hines, D. I. Siegel, L. B. Tremblay, and W. T. Cooper. 2008. Radiocarbon evidence for the importance of surface vegetation on fermentation and methanogenesis in contrasting types of boreal peatlands. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 22:GB4022, doi:10.1029/2008GB003274.
Hu, X. and D.J. Burdige. 2008. Shallow marine carbonate dissolution and early diagenesis – Implications from an incubation study. J. Mar. Res. 66:489-527.
Burdige, D.J., X. Hu and R.C. Zimmerman. 2008. Rates of carbonate dissolution in permeable sediments estimated from pore water profiles: the role of seagrasses. Limnol. Oceanogr. 53:549-565.
Burdige, D.J. 2007. The preservation of organic matter in marine sediments: Controls, mechanisms and an imbalance in sediment organic carbon budgets? Chem. Rev. 107:467-485 (invited contribution to a special thematic issue on chemical oceanography).
Neuweiler, F., I. Daoust, P.-A. Bourque, and D.J. Burdige. 2007. Collagen-supported precipitation of authigenic aragonite during the natural degradation of a modern siliceous sponge, Great Bahama Bank, The Bahamas. J. Sed. Res. 77:552-563.
Haque, S., J. Tang, W.J. Bounds, D.J. Burdige, and K.H. Johannesson. 2007. Arsenic geochemistry of the Great Dismal Swamp, USA: Possible organic matter controls. Aquat. Geochem. 13: 289-308.
Johannesson, K.H. and D.J. Burdige. 2007. Balancing the global neodymium budget: Evaluating the role of groundwater. Earth Planet Sci. Letters 253:129-142.
Hu, X. and D.J. Burdige. 2007. Enriched stable carbon isotopes in the pore waters of carbonate sediments dominated by seagrasses: evidence for coupled carbonate dissolution and reprecipitation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71:129-144.
Burdige, D.J., 2006. Data Report: Dissolved carbohydrates in interstitial waters from the Equatorial Pacific and Peru Margin, ODP Leg 201. in Proceedings of ODP, Sci. Results, 201 (B.B. Jørgensen, S.L. D’Hondt and D.J. Miller, eds.).
Neuweiler, F., and D.J. Burdige. 2005. The modern calcifying sponge Spheciospongia vesparium (Lamark, 1815), Great Bahama Bank: Implications for ancient sponge mud mounds. Sediment. Geol. 175:89-98.
Burdige, D.J. 2005. The burial of terrestrial organic carbon in marine sediments: A re-assessment. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 19:10.1029/2004GB002368
Sharp, J.H. et al (14 co-authors including D.J. Burdige). 2004. A direct instrument comparison for measurement of total dissolved nitrogen in seawater. Mr. Chem. 84:181-193.

Burdige, D.J., S.A. Kline, and W. Chen. 2004. The cycling of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in contrasting marine sediments. Mar. Chem. 89:289-311.
Johannesson, K.H., J. Tang, J.M. Daniels, W.J. Bounds, and D.J. Burdige. 2004. Rare earth element concentrations and speciation in in organic-rich blackwaters of the Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia, USA. Chem. Geol. 209:271-294. get a pdf copy
Komada, T., C.E. Reimers, G.W. Luther III, and D.J. Burdige. 2004. Factors affecting dissolved organic matter dynamics in mixed-redox to anoxic coastal sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68:4099-4111
Berelson, W., J. McManus, K. Coale, K. Johnson, T. Kilgore, D. Burdige, D. Colodner, F. Chavez, R. Kudela and J. Boucher. 2003. A time series of benthic flux measurements from Monterey Bay, CA. Cont. Shelf. Res. 23:457-481
Burdige, D.J. 2002. Sediment pore waters. in Biogeochemistry of marine dissolved organic matter (D. Hansell and C. Carlson, eds.). Academic Press. pp. 611-663.
Burdige, D.J. and R.C. Zimmerman. 2002. Impact of seagrass density on carbonate dissolution in Bahamian sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47:1751-1763.
Sharp, J.H. et al. (27 co-authors including D.J. Burdige). 2002. A preliminary methods comparison for measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen in seawater. Mar. Chem. 78:171-184.
Burdige, D.J. 2001. Dissolved organic matter in estuarine sediment pore waters. in Organic Geochemical Tracers in Estuaries (E. Canuel and T. Bianchi, eds.). special issue of Org. Geochem. 32:487-505 (invited contribution)
Burdige, D.J., A. Skoog and K.G. Gardner. 2000. Dissolved and particulate carbohydrates in contrasting marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64:1029-1041.
Skrabal, S.A., J.R. Donat and D.J. Burdige. 2000. Pore water distributions of dissolved copper and copper-complexing ligands in estuarine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64:1843-1857.

1990 – 1999
Burdige, D.J., W.M. Berelson, J. McManus, K. Coale and K. Johnson. 1999. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon from California continental margin sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63:1507-1515.
Burdige, D.J. and S. Zheng. 1998. The biogeochemical cycling of dissolved organic nitrogen in estuarine sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43:1796-1813.
Burdige D.J. and K.G. Gardner. 1998. Molecular weight distribution of dissolved organic carbon in marine sediment pore waters. Mar. Chem. 62:45-64.
McManus, J., W.M. Berelson, G.P. Klinkhammer, K. Johnson, K. Coale, R. Anderson, N. Kumar, D.J. Burdige, D.E. Hammond, H.J. Brumsack, and D.C. McCorkle. 1998. Geochemistry of barium in marine sediments: Potential influence of diagenesis on burial. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62:3453-3473.
Skrabal, S.A., J.R. Donat and D.J. Burdige. 1997. Fluxes of copper-complexing ligands from estuarine sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42:992-996.
Dhakar, S.P. and D.J. Burdige. 1996. A coupled, non-linear steady-state model for early diagenetic processes in pelagic marine sediments. Am. J. Sci. 296:296-330. get a pdf copy
Berelson, W.M., J. McManus, T. Kilgore, K. Coale, K.S. Johnson, K. Coale, D.J. Burdige, C. Pilskaln. 1996. Biogenic matter diagenesis on the seafloor: A comparison of two continental margin transects. J. Mar. Res. 54:731-762. get a pdf copy
Lustwerk, R.L. and D.J. Burdige. 1995. Elimination of dissolved sulfide interference in the flow injection determination of ∑CO2 by the addition of molybdate. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40:1011-1012.
Burdige, D.J., C.M. Huang, N. Krishna and F.E. Scully, Jr. 1995. Aliphatic amines in Chesapeake Bay sediments. Marine Chem. 51:45-54.
Burdige, D.J. and J. Homstead. 1994. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon from Chesapeake Bay sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58:3407-3424.
Burdige, D.J. 1993. The biogeochemistry of manganese and iron reduction in marine sediments. Earth-Sci Rev. 35:249-284.
Anderson, I.C., M.A. Poth, J. Homstead, and D.J. Burdige. 1993. A comparison of NO and N2O production by autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrifiers. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:3525-3533. get a pdf copy
Burdige, D.J., M.J. Alperin, J. Homstead and C.S. Martens. 1992. The role of benthic fluxs of dissolved organic carbon in oceanic and sedimentary carbon cycling. Geophys. Res. Letters 19:1851-1854.
Burdige, D.J., S.P. Dhakar, and K.H. Nealson. 1992. Effects of manganese oxide mineralogy on microbial and chemical manganese reduction. Geomicrobiology J. 10:29-50.
Burdige, D.J. 1991. Microbial processes affecting alanine and glutamic acid in anoxic marine sediments. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 85:211-231.
Burdige, D.J. 1991. The kinetics of organic matter mineralization in anoxic marine sediments. J. Mar. Research 49:727-761.
Velinsky, D.J., M.L. Fogel and D.J. Burdige. 1991. Nitrogen diagenesis in anoxic marine sediments: isotope effects. Annu. Rep. Director Geophys. Lab., Carnegie Institution Washington, 1990-1991, pp. 154-162.
Burdige, D.J. and C.S. Martens. 1990. Biogeochemical cycling in an organic-rich marine basin. 11. The sedimentary cycling of dissolved, free amino acids. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54:3033-3052.
1980 – 1989
Burdige, D.J. 1989. The effects of sediment slurrying on microbial processes, and the role of amino acids as substrates for sulfate reduction in anoxic, marine sediments. Biogeochem. 8:1-23.
Burdige,D.J. and C.S. Martens. 1988. Biogeochemical cycling in an organic-rich marine basin. 10. The role of amino acids in sedimentary carbon and nitrogen cycling. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 52:1571-1584
Burdige, D.J. and K.H. Nealson. 1986. Chemical and microbiological studies of sulfide-mediated manganese reduction. Geomicrobioloy J. 4:361-387.
Burdige, D.J. and K.H. Nealson. 1985. Microbial manganese reduction by enrichment cultures from coastal marine sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 50:491-497.
Kepkay, P.E., D.J. Burdige and K.H. Nealson. 1984. Kinetics of microbial manganese binding and oxidation. Geomicrobiology J. 3:245-262.
Burdige, D.J. 1983. The Biogeochemistry of Manganese Redox Reactions: Rates and Mechanisms. Ph.D. Dissertation, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD.
Burdige, D.J. and J.M. Gieskes. 1983. A pore water/solid phase diagenetic model for manganese in marine sediments. Am. J. Sci. 283:29-47.
Burdige, D.J. and P.E. Kepkay. 1983. Determination of bacterial manganese oxidation rates in sediments using an in situ dialysis technique, I. Laboratory studies. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 47:1907-1916.
Burdige, D.J., P.E. Kepkay and K.H. Nealson. 1983. An in situ method for determining microbial manganese oxidation rates in sediments. in Biomineralization and Biological Metal Accumulation. (P. Westbroek and E.W. deJong, eds.). D. Reidel Pub. Co., pp. 481-487.
Burdige, D.J. and D.A. Sweigart. 1978. Mechanism of addition of N-propylimidazole to tetraphenylporphinatoiron(III)chloride. Inorg. Chim. Acta 28:L131-133.