Welcome to my ePortfolio!

My name is Kole Matheson, and I’m a Lecturer of Basic Writing and General Education Composition at Old Dominion University.  I primarily teach English Composition and English Studio (ENGL 110C and ENGL 101, respectively).

My ePortfolio is designed to showcase my approach to the teaching of freshmen composition in areas of Pedagogy (Online), Equitable Teaching Strategies, and Student Success.  My theory of Online Literacy Instruction (OLI) foregrounds writing pedagogy while leveraging the affordances of various online learning delivery environments.  Furthermore, I value community in the writing classroom and facilitate accessible and culturally competent learning experiences which respect individual perspectives while encouraging growth.

You can learn more about my approach to OLI in the navigation bar at the top of the page in respective sections on

You can reach me at kmatheso@odu.edu.

My CV is linked here.

Thanks for stopping by my ePortfolio!