I will be reviewing applications for prospective students who are applying to the ODU Health Psychology Ph.D. program and the Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Ph.D. program for the 2025-2026 academic year! Please click the following link to learn more about the application processes: https://ww1.odu.edu/psychology/graduate/admission-phd and https://catalog.odu.edu/graduate/health-sciences/rehabilitation-sciences/kinesiology-rehabilitation-phd/#admissiontext
In the Physical Activity Promotion Lab students will receive the training and guidance to be strong, rigorous scientists through experiential learning. My goal is to train graduate students to be critical thinkers and independent researchers. Training activities will be tailored to each student’s career goals. Students are encouraged to lead projects, present at conferences, and submit manuscripts. Additionally, students will receive grantsmanship opportunities including grant writing and submitting their own grant proposals. The Physical Activity Promotion Lab is designed to be an ecosystem, where we share and collaborate with each other all in the efforts to get people physically active.