- Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Book Chapters
- Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
- Non-peer-reviewed Articles
- Book Reviews
- Non-peer-reviewed Conference Papers
Frydenlund, Erika. (2021). “Modeling and Simulation as a Bridge to Advance Practical and Theoretical Insights about Forced Migration Studies.” Journal on Migration and Human Security. DOI: 10.1177/23315024211035771
Frydenlund, Erika and Christa de Kock (2020). “Agent-Based Modeling Within Forced Migration Research: A Review and Critique.” Refugee Review. Vol. 4.
Collins, Andrew J. and Erika Frydenlund. (2017). “Strategic group formation in agent-based simulation.” Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. DOI: 10.1177/0037549717732408.
Elzie, Terra, Erika Frydenlund, Andrew Collins, and R. Michael Robinson. (2016). “Panic that Spreads: Socio-Behavioral Contagions in Pedestrian Evacuations.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.No. 2586. DOI: 10.3141/2586-01.
Collins, Andrew J., Erika Frydenlund, R. Michael Robinson and Meçit Cetin (2015). “Exploring a Toll Auction Mechanism Enabled By Vehicle-To-Infrastructure Technology.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2530: 106-113. ISSN: 0361-1981 (SJR Q2 – Civil and Structural Engineering)
Collins, Andrew J., Peter Foytik, Erika Frydenlund, R. Michael Robinson, and Craig A. Jordan (2015). “Generic Incident Model for Investigating Traffic Incident Impacts on Evacuation Times in Large-Scale Emergencies.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2459: 11-17.
Elzie, Terra, Erika Frydenlund, Andrew Collins, and R. Michael Robinson. (2015). “Conceptualizing Intra- and Inter-Group Dynamics within a Controlled Crowd Evacuation.” Journal of Emergency Management. 13(2): 109-120.
Frydenlund, Erika and Jose J. Padilla. (2022). “Opportunities and Challenges of using Computer-Based Simulation in Migration and Displacement Research: A Focus on Lesbos, Greece.” In K. Grabska, and C. Clark-Kazak (Eds.), Documenting Displacement: Questioning Methodological Boundaries in Forced Migration Research. Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press. ISBN:9780228008330
Frydenlund, Erika, Meltem Y.Şener, Ross Gore, Christine Boshuijzen-van Burken, Engin Bozdag, & Christa de Kock (2019). “Characterizing the Mobile Phone Use Patterns of Refugee Hosting Provinces in Turkey.” In A. A. Salah, A. Pentland, B. Lepri, & E. Letouzé (Eds.), Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The ‘Data for Refugees Challenge’ Study. Switzerland: Spring International Publishing.
Frydenlund, Erika, Etta C. Jones, and Jose J. Padilla. (2019) “Mobility in crisis: An agent-based model of refugees’ flight to safety.” In Saikou Y. Diallo, Wesley J. Wildman, F. LeRon Shults, and Andreas Tolk (eds.) Human Simulation: Perspectives, Insights, and Applications.
Frydenlund, Erika and David. C. Earnest. (2018) “Emergence in Information Economies: An agent-based modeling perspective.” In Saurab Mittal et al., (eds.) Emergent Behavior in Complex Systems Engineering: A modeling and simulation approach. Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-37886-0
Earnest, David C. and Erika Frydenlund. (2017) “Flipping Coins and Coding Turtles.” In Saurab Mittal et al., (eds.) Guide to Simulation-based Disciplines: Simulation foundations, methods and applications. Springer International Publishing. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-61264-5_11
Frydenlund, Erika and David C. Earnest. (2015) “Harnessing the Knowledge of the Masses: Citizen Sensor Networks, Violence and Public Safety in Mugunga.” In Emilian Kavalski, ed. World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life. State University of New York Press. ISBN-13: 978-1-4384-5607-2
Dickerson, Betty and Erika Frydenlund. (2013) “Examining Marriage Immigration to the United States.” In Kazuo Nakajima, Jhonsu Yoon, and Rie Kondo (eds.) International Comparative Studies on Women Marriage Immigrants and Their Families (グローバル時代における結婚移住女性とその家族 の国際比較研究). Gakujutsu Publishers. ISBN-10: 4284103849
Clark, Mackenzie*, Erika Frydenlund, & Jose J. Padilla. (2021). “Network Structures and Humanitarian Need.” In R. Thomson, M. N. Hussain, C. Dancy, & A. Pyke (Eds.), Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: SBP-BRiMS 2021.(Vol. 12720, pp. 214-223). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Yesilbas, Veysel, Jose J. Padilla, & Erika Frydenlund. (2021). An Analysis of Global News Coverage of Refugees Using a Big Data Approach. In R. Thomson, M. N. Hussain, C. Dancy, & A. Pyke (Eds.), Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: SBP-BRiMS 2021(Vol. 12720, pp. 111-120). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Fretz, AlexanderL.*, Jose J. Padilla, & Erika Frydenlund. (2021). The Integrated Game Transformation Framework and Cyberwar: What 2×2 Games Tell Us About Cyberattacks. In R. Thomson, M. N. Hussain, C. Dancy, & A. Pyke (Eds.), Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: SBP-BRiMS 2021(Vol. 12720, pp. 174-183). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Hanne Haaland, Hege Wallevik, Erika Frydenlund, & Jose J. Padilla. (2020). Modelers and Ethnographers as Co-Creators of Knowledge: Do We Belong Together? In Amanda Hughes, Fiona McNeill, & Christopher W. Zobel (Eds.), ISCRAM 2020 Conference Proceedings – 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 1113–1121). Blacksburg, VA (USA): Virginia Tech.
Frydenlund, Erika, Jose J. Padilla Jose J., Hanne Haaland, Hege Wallevik. (2020) The Rise and Fall of Humanitarian Citizen Initiatives: A Simulation-Based Approach. In: Thomson R., Bisgin H., Dancy C., Hyder A., Hussain M. (eds) Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling. SBP-BRiMS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12268. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61255-9_25
Salimi, Khadijeh, Erika Frydenlund, Hege Wallevik, and Hanne Haaland (2018). “How Does Humanitarianism Spread? Modeling the Origins of Citizen Initiatives Through Norm Diffusion.” Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Gothenburg, Sweden. December 9-12.
Frydenlund, Erika, Peter Foytik, Alain Ouattara, and Jose J. Padilla (2018). “Where Are They Headed Next? Modeling Emergent Displaced Camps in the DRC Using Agent-Based Models.” Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Gothenburg, Sweden. December 9-12.
Padilla, Jose J., Erika Frydenlund, Hege Wallevik, and Hanne Haaland (2018). “Model Co-Creation from a Modeler’s Perspective: Lessons learned from the collaboration between ethnographers and modelers.” In: Thomson R., Dancy C., Hyder A., Bisgin H. (eds) Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling. SBP-BRiMS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10899. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93372-6_8
Frydenlund, Erika and Jose J. Padilla (2017). “Modeling the impact of protraction on refugee identity.” In: Lee D., Lin YR., Osgood N., Thomson R. (eds) Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling. SBP-BRiMS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10354. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-60240-0_25
Vernon-Bido, Daniele, Erika Frydenlund, Jose J. Padilla, and David C. Earnest (2017). “Durable solutions and potential protraction: The Syrian refugee case.” Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference. Virginia Beach, VA. April 23-26.
Frydenlund, Erika, Jose J. Padilla, and David C. Earnest (2017). “A theoretical model of identity shift in protracted refugee situations.” Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference. Virginia Beach, VA. April 23-26.
Collins, Andrew, and Erika Frydenlund (2016). “Agent-based modeling and Strategic group formation: A refugee case study.” Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. Washington, D.C., December 11-14.
Collins, Andrew, Erika Frydenlund. (2016). “Strategic Group Formation in Agent-based Simulation.” Prepared for the 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference. Pasadena, CA: April 2016.
Erika Frydenlund, Andrew J. Collins, Craig A. Jordan, Peter B. Foytik, and R. Michael Robinson. (2016). “When the money runs dry: A system dynamics approach to critical infrastructure investment.” Prepared for the 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference. Pasadena, CA: April 2016.
Collins, Andrew, Erika Frydenlund, Terra Elzie, and R. Michael Robinson. (2015). “Agent-based Pedestrian Evacuation Modeling: A one-size fits all approach?” Prepared for the 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference/Agent-Directed Simulation (ADS) Symposium. Alexandria, VA: April 2015.
Collins, Andrew, Erika Frydenlund, Terra Elzie, and R. Michael Robinson. (2015). “Group Dynamics and Exit-blocking Behaviors: A look at pedestrian modeling evacuations.” Prepared for the Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: January 2015.
Collins, Andrew, Erika Frydenlund, R. Michael Robinson, Mecit Cetin. (2015). “Exploring a Toll Auction Mechanic Enabled by Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Technology.” Prepared for the Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: January 2015.
Frydenlund, Erika, Terra Elzie, Andrew Collins, and R. Michael Robinson. (2014). “A Hybridized Approach to Validation: The Role of Sociological Research Methods in Pedestrian Modeling.” Transportation Research Procedia 2(0): 697-705.
Collins, Andrew, Terra Elzie, Erika Frydenlund, and R. Michael Robinson. (2014) “Do Groups Matter? An Agent-based Modeling Approach to Pedestrian Egress.” Transportation Research Procedia 2(0): 430-435.
Frydenlund, Erika, Fred Bidandi, and Jennifer N. Fish (2016). “Resource Access Challenges for Refugees and Migrants.” BUWA! Journal on African Women’s Experiences. Issue 6. http://www.osisa.org/buwa/womens-rights/regional/buwa-issue-6-moving-stories
Collins, Andrew and Erika Frydenlund. (2014). “Academic revenue management and quantitative worship.” Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 1(7).
(2016). Review of Social Phenomena: From Data Analysis to Models, eds. Bruno Gonçalves and Nicola Perra. JASSS. http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/19/2/reviews/2.html
Gonzalez, Madison*,Lydia Sa*, Erika Frydenlund, Jose J. Padilla.(2021). “A Newspaper Analysis to Understand Refugee Host Fatigue.”Prepared for the Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2021Annual Conference. Canada/Online:October2021.
Joseph Martinez*, Katherine Palacio, Jose J. Padilla, Erika Frydenlund, (2021). “What are the locals saying related to the migration in Colombia.”Prepared for the Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2021 Annual Conference. Canada/Online: October 2021.
Lydia Sa*, Lia Castillo*, Katherine Palacio, Jose J. Padilla, Erika Frydenlund. (2021). “Striving for Health as a Human Right in Colombia: An Analysis of Absorptive Capacity.” Prepared for the Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2021 Annual Conference. Canada/Online: October 2021.https://arcg.is/SvjX1
Clark, Mackenzie*, Erika Frydenlund, Jose J. Padilla.(2020, September 28-30). The Social Networks of Humanitarian Aid: Power Laws, Political Interests, and Political Economy. Content Meets Structure: Integrating Different Perspectives on Social Networks, Heidelberg, Germany
Clark, Mackenzie*, Erika Frydenlund, Jose J. Padilla.(2021, January 6-9). Diversification of Humanitarian Aid: Emphasizing donor diversity to increase network resilience. Southern Political Science Association: 2021 Annual Meeting, Online.
“What would a computational model of refugee integration look like?” Prepared for the Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2019 Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada: May 2019.
Frydenlund, Erika, Hanne Haaland, Jose Padilla, and Hege Wallevik. “Ethnographers and modelers as co-creators of knowledge: Developing an ethnographic model of the refugee situations in Lesvos.” Prepared for the ARNOVA 2018 Panel: Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity. Austin, Texas: November 2018.
Frydenlund, Erika and Jose J. Padilla. “Health Dynamics in Protracted Refugee Situations.” Prepared for the International Association of the Study of Forced Migration. Thessaloniki, Greece: July 2018.
“We are suffering too: Hospitality fatigue toward refugees in Lesvos, Greece.” Prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA: April 2018.
“Causal Factors of Protracted Refugee Situations using a Modeling and Simulation Approach.” Prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD: February 2017.
“Should they Stay or Should they Go: Are there Benefits from Refugee Hosting?” Prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD: February 2017.
“Ethics of Refugee Research.” Prepared for Works in Progress: A Regional Interdisciplinary Conference of Feminist Scholarship. Virginia Beach, VA: April 2016.
Parsons, Carrie and Erika Frydenlund. “Transportation Equity in Hampton Roads.” Prepared for Works in Progress: A Regional Interdisciplinary Conference of Feminist Scholarship. Virginia Beach, VA: April 2016.
Parsons, Carrie, Erika Frydenlund, and Joshua Behr. “Engineering Equity: Intersections of Transportation Inequality & Emergency Care Access.” Prepared for the Midwest Sociological Society Annual Conference. Chicago, IL: March 2016.
“At the Periphery of ‘Savage Sorting’: Protracted Displacement in the African Great Lakes.” Prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA: March 2016.
Frydenlund, Erika and Andrew J. Collins. “Pedestrian Parsing Factors Created by Time and Distance in Refugee Flows.” Prepared for SwarmFest 2015. Columbia, SC: July 2015.
Collins, Andrew J. and Erika Frydenlund. “Strategic Coalition Formation in Agent-based Modeling and Simulation.” Prepared for SwarmFest 2015. Columbia, SC: July 2015.
“Capacity Development and Women’s Health: Using Mobile Phones to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes in Rwanda.” Prepared for Works in Progress: A Regional Interdisciplinary Conference of Feminist Scholarship. Norfolk, VA: April 2014.
“Imagining Home: Placeless Refugees as Border Politics in the Great Lakes Region.” Prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada: April 2014.
Frydenlund, Erika and Jennifer N. Fish. “Situating Refugee and Migrant Infants and Children in South Africa’s Construction of Citizenship.” Prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada: April 2014.
“Action Research with South African Grandmother Activists in the Aftermath of Apartheid and in the Face of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic.” Prepared for the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. Baltimore, MD: September 2012.
“Women’s Fertility Choices and Agency: Examining Japan’s Population Decline through Agent-Based Modeling.” Prepared for the Fourth World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS), National Chengchi University. Taipei, Taiwan: September 2012.
Frydenlund, Erika and Savannah Russo. “Simulating for Social Change: An ABM of Grassroots Organizing to Combat HIV/AIDS in South Africa.” Prepared for the Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Student Capstone Conference 2012, Virginia Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Center. Suffolk, VA: April 2012.
“Mobilizing to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Rwanda.” Prepared for the Scientific Studies of International Processes (SSIP) Poster Session at the International Studies Association Annual Conference 2012. San Diego, CA: April 2012.
“Modeling HIV/AIDS Activism as Tool for Community Prevention.” Prepared for the Eastern Sociological Society 2012 Annual Meeting: Storied Lives: Culture, Structure, and Narrative. New York, NY: February 2012.
“Conducting Field Research to Inspire Social Science Modeling.” Invited presentation for the Virginia Council of Graduate Schools’ (VCGS) Seventh Annual Graduate Student Research Forum. Charlottesville, VA: February 2012.
Frydenlund, Erika and David C. Earnest. “mSafety: an ABM of Community Information-Sharing to Improve Public Safety.” Prepared for the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Fall Symposium on Complex Adaptive Systems: Energy, Information, and Intelligence. Arlington, VA: November 2011.
“Dynamic Attitudes about Motherhood: Modeling Family Planning Policies in Japan.” Prepared for the Computational Social Sciences Society of America (CSSSA) 2011 Conference. Santa Fe, NM: December 2011.
“Glocalizing Activism: Engendering Refugee Studies through Service-Learning.” Prepared for the IDEA Gender Justice and Development: Local and Global Conference, Bryn Mawr College. Bryn Mawr, PA: June 2011.
“Mobilizing Maternal Health: Modeling Rwanda’s Plan to Reduce Maternal Mortality Rates.” Prepared for the 2011 Student Capstone Conference, Virginia Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Center. Suffolk, VA: April 2011.
“Modeling Health in Rwanda.” Prepared for Focus on Rwanda: A Conference on Gender Research and Activism, Kigali Institute of Education. Kigali, Rwanda: March 2011.
“Tensions into Opportunities: Engendering Refugee Studies through Service-Learning.” Prepared for a moderated research panel with Susan F. Martin, Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University, for the 9th Annual Graduate Research Conference. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA: February 2011.
“Oil, Gender & South America: Connecting the Oil Resource Curse to Gender Inequality.” Prepared for the International Studies Association South Conference, Eckerd College. St. Petersburg, FL: October 2010.
“The Future of Japan’s Population: An Agent Based Modeling Approach.” Prepared for the 2010 Student Capstone Conference, Virginia Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Center. Suffolk, VA: February 2010.