September 2023: Jahnita Demoranville (Cal State Fullerton) joins the crew to study bite force in squid.
August 2023: Trawling season for squid commences!
August 2023: Mel Lhuillier (MS Student) joins the Bartol Biomechanics Lab. Welcome Mel!
January 6, 2019: Amanda Tumminelli presents her research at the 2019 SICB Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL.
January 6, 2019: Alissa Ganley presents her research at the 2019 SICB Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL.
October, 2018: Alissa and Amanda during a data collection marathon.
July, 2018: Master squid fisherman waiting to land the perfect test subject.
June/July, 2018: Summer at the Darling Marine Center in Walpole, ME (Year 2)!
April, 2018: Undergraduate research assistant and star lacrosse player, Cydney Tutchton, selects Bartol as Gameday Professor (and hooks him up with team gear)!
March, 2018: Kelly Zalaskus presents her research at the ASB Meetings.
September, 2017: Fall trawling for Lolliguncula brevis commences!
August 10, 2017: Alissa selecting a squid for turning experiments
August 5, 2017: The crew hard at work — note the family size M&M bag!
August 1, 2017: Fishing for squid in Boothbay Harbor
July 15, 2017: Summer at the Darling Marine Center in Walpole, ME. Alissa Ganley and Amanda Tumminelli join the team!
August 21, 2016: Trawling season for 2016 has begun!
August 15, 2016: Diana Li from Stanford University begins working in the lab.
April 12, 2016: Julie Levans of the Virginia Aquarium brings 4 loggerhead turtles to ODU for swim tunnel studies (from left to right: Julie Levans, Soraya Bartol, Ian Bartol, Kelly Jacobson)
February 19, 2016: Carly York successfully defended her doctoral dissertation Anti-predator responses of squid throughout ontogeny.
November 20, 2015: Ian Bartol gives an invited talk at Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Lab entitled, “Now you see them, now you don’t: understanding swimming and turning in multi-propulsor squids using 3D flow imaging and kinematic analyses.”
(from left to right: Drs. Ian Bartol, Paul Krueger, Mike Vecchione, Rachel Jastrebsky, Mark Butler, Dan Barshis)
September 21, 2015: Rachel Jastrebsky successfully defended her doctoral dissertation Kinematics and hydrodynamics of cephalopod turning performance during routine swimming and predatory attacks
August 1, 2015: Carly York is awarded a University Fellowship
Summer 2015: Dr. Bartol worked with his collaborator, Dr. Paul Krueger (Southern Methodist University), on a science exhibit for the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas, TX. A short clip of a video portion of the exhibit is included below.
May 2015: Rachel Jastrebsky is awarded ODU’s Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant/Laboratory Instructor Award