Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
*: supervised students and postdocs
In revision:
- Sahu*, A., Tahvildari, N., “Assessing Sea Level Rise Effects on Coastal Erosion due to Storm Surge Using a Process-Based Numerical Model”, in revision.
19. Han, S.*, Tahvildari, N., “Compound Flooding Hazards Due to Storm Surge and Pluvial Flow in a Low-Gradient Coastal Region,” Accepted in Water Resources Research.
18. Shahabi, A.*, Tahvildari, N. (2024) “A deep-learning model for rapid spatiotemporal prediction of coastal water levels”, Coastal Engineering, 190, 104504, DOI:
17. Wang, Y., Shen, Y., Salahshour, B., Cetin, M., Iftekharuddin, K., Tahvildari, N., Huang, G., Harris, D., Ampofo, K., Goodall, J., L. (2024) “Applying a Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Segment the Flooding Extent from Images of Urban Flooding: Evaluation using Real-World Surveillance Cameras,” Environmental Modelling & Software, DOI:
16. Leone, A.*, Tahvildari, N. (2023) “Comparison of Spectral Wave Dissipation by Two Living Shoreline Features in a Sheltered Tidal Bay”, Estuaries and Coasts, 46, 323–335. DOI:
15. Shen, Y., Tahvildari, N., Morsy, M. M., Huxley, C., Chen, D. T., Goodall, J. L. (2022) “Dynamic Modeling of Inland Flooding and Storm Surge on Coastal Cities under Climate Change Scenarios: Transportation Infrastructure Impacts in Norfolk, Virginia USA as a Case Study”, Geosciences, 12(6), 224; DOI: 10.3390/geosciences12060224.
14. Familkhalili, R.*, Tahvildari, N. (2022) “Computational Modeling of Coupled Waves and Vegetation Stem Dynamics in Highly Flexible Submerged Meadows”, Advances in Water Resources, 165: 104222, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2022.104222
13. Prigiobbe, V., Dawson, C., Hu, Y., Sharif, H. O., Tahvildari, N. (2022) “Editorial: Coastal flooding: modeling, monitoring, and protection systems. Frontiers in Climate, p. 200.Coastal flooding: modeling, monitoring, and protection systems”, Frontiers in Climate, 3:830946, DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2021.830946. (Open Access)
12. Tahvildari, N, Abi Aad, M., Sahu*, A., Shen, Y., Morsy, M., Murray-Tuite, P., Goodall, J. L., Heaslip, K., Cetin, M. (2022) “Quantification of Compound Flooding during Extreme Events for Planning Emergency Operations”, ASCE-Natural Hazard Review, 23 (2): 04021067, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000524.
11. Sharifineyestani, E.*, Tahvildari, N. (2021) “Nonlinear Wave Evolution In Interaction with Currents and Viscoleastic Muds”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(5), 529, DOI: 10.3390/jmse9050529. Link (Open Access)
10. Tahvildari, N., Castrucci, L*. (2021) “Relative Sea Level Rise Impacts on Storm Surge Flooding of Transportation Infrastructure”, ASCE-Natural Hazards Review, 22(1): 04020045, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000412.
9. Shen, Y., Morsy, M., Huxley, C., Tahvildari, N., Goodall, J. L. (2019) “Flood Risk Assessment and Increased Resilience for Coastal Urban Watersheds under the Combined Impact of Storm Tide and Heavy Rainfall”, Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124159.
8. Tahvildari, N., Sharifineyestani, E.* (2019) “A Numerical Study on Nonlinear Surface Wave Evolution over Mud”, Coastal Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103557.
7. Bilkovic, D., Mitchell, M., Davis, J., Herman, J., Andrews, E., King, A., Mason, P., Tahvildari, N., Davis, J., Dixon, R. (2019) “Defining boat wake impacts on shoreline stability toward management and policy solutions”, Ocean and Coastal Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104945. [PDF]
6. Castrucci, L.* and Tahvildari, N. (2018) “Modeling the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Storm Surge Inundation in Flood-Prone Urban Areas of Hampton Roads, Virginia” Marine Technology Society Journal (Special Issue on Coastal Resiliency in Hampton Roads), 52 (2), 68–83, DOI: 10.4031/MTSJ.52.2.8.
5. Loftis, D., Mitchell M., Atkinson L., Hamlington B., Allen, T.R., Forrest D., Updyke T., Tahvildari, N., Bekaert D., and Bushnell M. (2018) “Integrated Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Observations in Hampton Roads, Virginia,” Marine Technology Society Journal (Special Issue on Coastal Resiliency in Hampton Roads), 52 (2), 92–105,
4. Tahvildari, N., Kaihatu, J. M., Saric, W. S. (2016) “Generation of long subharmonic internal waves by surface waves”, Ocean Modelling, DOI: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.07.00
3. Tahvildari, N., Jamali, M. (2012) “Cubic nonlinear analysis of generation of interfacial waves by a surface wave in an open two-layer fluid”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 44, 055502, DOI: 10.1088/0169-5983/44/5/055502.
2. Kaihatu, J. M., Tahvildari, N. (2012) “The combined effect of wave-current interaction and mud-induced damping on nonlinear wave”, Ocean Modelling, 41, 22-34, DOI: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.10.004.
1. Tahvildari, N., Kaihatu, J. M. (2011) “Optimized determination of viscous mud properties using a nonlinear wave-mud interaction model”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28, 1486-1503. DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00025.1
In preparation:
- Familkhalili, R., Tahvildari, N., “Evaluating Marsh Terraces for Wave and Flood Reduction in a Coastal Lagoon: Hydrodynamic Modeling and Field Study”, In preparation for Frontiers in Marine Science (Special Issue Due May 15).
- Tahvildari, N., Fringer, O. B., and Peacock, T. ” A parametric study of generation of internal tides over a submerged ridge”, in preparation for Journal of Physical Oceanography.
Book Chapters
- Tahvildari, N., Sharifineyestani, E.* (2019) “Nonlinear Wave Processes Over Coastal Muds,” Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, Publisher: Wiley, DOI:
Conference Proceedings:
6. Castrucci, L.*, and Tahvildari, N. (2017) “Hydrodynamic Modeling of Storm Surge Flooding in the Transportation Infrastructure in Southeast Virginia”, Proceedings of MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, Anchorage, AL.
5. Tahvildari, N. (2016) “Numerical Modeling of the Interactions between Nonlinear Waves and Arbitrarily Flexible Vegetation”, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Coastal
Engineering, Antalya, Turkey, Paper No. waves.32.
4. Tahvildari, N., Lynett, P. J., and Kaihatu, J. M. (2014) “A numerical code for waves in a two-layer shallow fluid “, ASME 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, CA.
3. Tahvildari, N., Kaihatu, J. M. (2011) “Generation of oblique interfacial waves due to resonant interaction with surface gravity waves in shallow water”, Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, Kona, HI.
2. Tahvildari, N., Kaihatu, J. M. (2009) “Inverse deduction of mud parameters from free surface wave energy in muddy coasts”, Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Congress, Vancouver, BC, 2870-2877.
1. Tahvildari, N., Jamali, M. (2009) “Analytical Cubic Solution to Weakly Nonlinear Interactions between Surface and Interfacial waves”, Proceedings of the ASME 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Honolulu, HI.
*supervised graduate students.