Facilities and equipment
Alvin A. Holder: The laboratory facilities are located in the New Chemistry Building of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Old Dominion University (ODU). The PI’s laboratory is based in room 3018 and holds a pH meter, balances, mini vortexes, a sonicator, one glove box, water baths, magnetic stirrers, a drying oven, one electrophoresis voltage controller, one agarose gel rig, one rotary evaporator, one Paar hydrogenator, one -20 °C refrigerator, one Agilent HP8453 diode array spectrophotometer, one Epsilon electrochemical work station with related software, a TGK-stopped-flow spectrophotometer, a Delta Nu Raman spectrometer, a Shimadzu Tracera GC, a 740 nm irradiation system, a MicroCal iTC200 isothermal titration calorimeter, and several fume hoods.
Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Laboratory Facilities: ODU has made a number of large instrumentation purchases in support of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Ph.D. program, many localized in the College of Sciences Major Instrumentation Cluster (COSMIC) facility. This facility is equipped with state-of-the-art NMR spectrometers and a 12T FT-Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometer. The departmental teaching facilities house a 400 MHz NMR spectrometer, a GC, a Shimadzu atomic absorption spectrometer, an EG&G electrochemical apparatus (with rotating disk and dropping electrodes), a Jasco Polarimeter, and other basic instrumentation. Other shared equipment includes: a Johnson Matthey magnetic susceptibility balance, a university Dell 1.5 Teraflop computer cluster; an Agilent 8453 UV-Vis 3 – photodiode array spectrophotometer, a Varian Cary 5000 UV-vis-NIR spectrophotometer system; a Cary 50 UV-vis spectrophotometer system, and a Cary Eclipse BioMelt Package, with fluorescence spectrometer and Cary Eclipse BioSoftware with thermal application. Funding from CIBA has provided a new HPLC equipped with an auto-sampler. There is also a -80 °C freezer which is shared between members of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
College and University Support Facilities: The College of Sciences Major Instrumentation Cluster has an actively shielded AVANCE II 400MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer and an actively shielded AVANCE III 400 MHz Nuclear Resonance (NMR) spectrometer that can be requested for use with the following available probes:
- HR-MAS (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning) 4 mm probe (1H observation with 16C and 15N decoupling)
- CP-MAS (Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning) 4 mm multinuclear (1H, 13C, 15N) probe
- BBI (Broadband Inverse) 5 mm probe for liquids samples.
- BBO – Broadband 5 mm probe for liquids.
The AVANCE III 400 MHz spectrometer has a variable temperature (VT) and pulsed field gradient (PFG) capabilities for obtaining chemical structural information on solid or liquid samples.
The college also has a Bruker Apex -120Q FTMS instrument, an Apex-Qe with a high performance 12 Tesla magnet. The following services include: (i) Accurate mass determination for small and larger polar molecule characterization(<5 ppm-sub ppm levels), positive and negative ions ESI analysis, (ii) Accurate mass determination for non polar compounds, (iii) High resolution direct analysis of complex mixtures, (iv) Exact mass MSn for structural information of multiply charged ions, and (v) Peptide and protein molecular weight measurement.
The Perry Library: The Perry Library includes an impressive collection of monographs, periodicals, government publications, maps, various electronic resources, videos, and other media. In addition to a comprehensive reference collection, the Perry Library houses a broad, diverse, general collection of materials to support the research needs of the students, faculty, and community at Old Dominion University. The Old Dominion University Libraries combined collection is retrospective and current, old and new, traditional and non-traditional, print and digital; it serves to give the University Libraries both a physical and Web presence.
Additionally, the Perry Library contains the Digital Services Center which provides hardware, software, and assistance to faculty, staff and graduate students needing to integrate digital information resources into instruction, research, and coursework, and it contains the Old Dominion University Libraries’ Special Collections which includes the University Archives, Manuscripts, and books and printed material relating to Virginia and Tidewater History.
The University Libraries combined collections total over 3.2 million items – over 1 million monographic volumes; over 20,000 thousand journals and other serial publications (many available electronically, major chemistry journals such as ACS, RSC, Wiley, Elsevier, etc.); over 2 million microform units (fiche and film); and over 68,000 maps, computer data files, audiovisual, audio, film, cartographic materials, and online databases (SciFinder, Science Citation Index/Web of Science). A science librarian is available to assist students in usage of the library resources.
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