Summer REU 2014

Summer REU 2014, L-R: Michael, Lorne, Jimmie, Deisy, and Stacey (High School student)

Summer REU 2014

Summer REU 2014 with Lorne and Deisy


Deisy injecting a sample into the GC

Deisy injecting a sample into the Shimadzu Tracera GC


Lorne using the TGK stopped-flow spectrophotometer in summer 2014

Lorne using the TGK stopped-flow spectrophotometer in summer 2014



Summer 2014

Summer 2014, L-R: Deisy, Michael, Lorne, PI, and Dr. Mark A.W. Lawrence (Postdoctoral Fellow from Jamaica)


Group dinner at Nawab Indian Cuisine in summer 2014

Group dinner at Nawab Indian Cuisine in summer 2014


Group Photo, spring 2015

Group Photo, spring 2015:PI, Raj, Prof. Chee-Hun Kwak. Mark, Jere, Michael, Caitlyn, and Kathy


Lunch with Prof. Chee-Hun Kwak of South Korea

Summer lunch at Sakurai (PI, Chee-Hun, Lorne, Raj, Michael, and Jimmie)

Lunch with Prof. Chee-Hun Kwak of South Korea

Lunch with Prof. Chee-Hun Kwak of South Korea


Group Photo taken at 0845 hours on April 19, 2016

Group photo taken at 0845 hours on April 19, 2016

In this photo, L-R: Michael, Deondra, Jaya, Kimberly, Brianne, Raj, Kathy, and the Bajan!

The photos below were taken at Rajput Indian Cuisine on Thursday, May 05, 2016 at 1245 hours.  All MANY thanks and RESPECT to Jaya, her father, and mother, for hosting us with the delightful food.  We are VERY grateful for the hospitality!!  We will work closely with your family’s establishment as of now on!!  Please keep up the fabulous work!!!

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