06/01/2018-5/31/2023: National Institutes of Health.  Title: Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research Program at ODU. Role: PI.  $1,483,525, with an institutional support from ODU.

10/01/17-09/30/18: University of North Texas Health Science Center, Texas Center for Health Disparities Research Pilot Award, Steps Toward Academic Research (STAR) Fellowship Program. Title: Novel cobalt(III) complexes to induce therapeutic efficacy in human triple negative breast cancer cells. Role: PI.  $25,000.

09/01/17-08/31/20: National Science Foundation.  Title:  REU Site: Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Chemistry for Community College Students at Old Dominion University.  Role: Co-PI. PI:  Prof Craig Bayse.  $314,954.

07/05/16-07/04/17: National Science Foundation CAREER Award Summer REU supplement.  Title: CAREER: Ruthenium(II)-cobalt(II)/cobalt(III) mixed-metal complexes for photocatalytic hydrogen production from water.  PI. $5,500.

09/01/2016-08/31/2019: National Science Foundation.  Title: REU Site: Training Undergraduates in Electrochemical Technologies for Clean Fuels (Biofuels and Hydrogen) Production and Applications. Role: a faculty contributor. PIs: Xiaoyu Zhang, Sandeep Kumar.  $339,450.

04/07/15-07/31/16: The American Society for Microbiology (ASM)-NSF Leaders Inspiring Networks and Knowledge (LINK) Program.  Title: Repairing a Leaky Science Pipeline:  Generating a Catalyst for Science.” Role: Co-PI.  Co-PIs:  Maria Julia Massimelli, University of California, Irvine, California; Tullia C. Bruno, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Alvin Holder, ODU; Warren Boyce Sconiers, North Carolina State University, North Carolina; Florence A. Okafor, Alabama A&M University, Alabama; Norou Diawara, OU; and Sreejesh Shanker, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.  $5,000.

07/01/14-08/08/14: National Science Foundation CAREER Award Summer REU supplement.  Title: CAREER: Ruthenium(II)-cobalt(II)/cobalt(III) mixed-metal complexes for photocatalytic hydrogen production from water.  PI.  $12,000.

09/01/12-08/31/19: National Science Foundation CAREER Award.  Title: CAREER: Ruthenium(II)-cobalt(II)/cobalt(III) mixed-metal complexes for photocatalytic hydrogen production from water.  PI.  $530,000.  Former grant number: CHE-1151832.  Present grant number: CHE-1431172.

06/12-05/13: MS-INBRE Biomedical Seed Grant Award.  PI.  $15,000.

03/28/12-09/30/12:  Department of the Army, Engineer Research and Development Center, Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory. Title: Photosynthesis at the Microscale.  PI.  $89,446.00.

08/02/11-12/31/11:  Department of the Army, Engineer Research and Development Center, Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory. Title: Photosynthesis at the Microscale.  PI.  $35,413.00.

06/11-05/12: MS-INBRE Biomedical Seed Grant Award.  PI.  $20,000.

05/11-08/11: American Chemical Society (ACS), ACS Global Research Experiences, Exchanges, and Training (GREET) Pilot Program Winner for 2011. Title: Synthesis, Characterization, and CO2 Sequestering Studies of Cobalt(III)-Containing Metallomesogens. PI. $9,500.00.

11/01/10-05/31/10: MS-INBRE Biomedical Seed Grant Award.  PI.  $20,000.

11/01/10-03/31/11:  The Boeing project with Dr. Jeffrey Wiggins.  $28,180.53.

11/10-08/02/11: Department of the Army, Engineer Research and Development Center, Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory.  The Department of the Army purchased supplies as required by the PI.

08/01/08-07/31/11: National Science Foundation CRIF: MU. Acquisition of an EPR spectrometer at Southern Miss.  Co-PI.  $215,350.00.

09/08-12/08: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, acquisition of a PAR electrochemical system for teaching and research.  PI. $26,195.

09/08-08/09: Oak Ridge Associated Universities, The Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards. Title: Development of multimodal nanoparticle probes for in vivo bioimaging applications. $5,000, funded by USM as provided by Dr. Burge.

06/08-08/08:  The Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Grants for International Authors.  Title: Synthesis, characterisation, and liquid phase studies of Schiff base complexes of novel titanium(IV) metallomesogens.  PI.  $2,251.19.

06/06/08-08/07/08:  The Royal Society of Chemistry JWT Jones Travelling Fellowship. Title: Synthesis, characterisation, and liquid phase studies of Schiff base complexes of novel titanium(IV) metallomesogens.  PI.   $1,663.93.

09/07-08/08: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, Knowledge Build Grant for use of selected transition metals in catalysis and the fight against cancer and diabetes.  PI. US$10,000.

06/07-08/07: 2007 Moissan Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Fluorine Chemistry, The American Chemical Society, Division of Fluorine for the synthesis and characterization of novel fluorine-containing trinuclear ruthenium(II)/rhodium(III) complex.  PI. US$3,500.

05/07-05/08: USM Lucas Endowment Grant for the fight against cancer with ruthenium compounds.  PI. US$3,800.

12/99-12/00: A Royal Society of Chemistry John William Thomas Jones Research Fund Grant for studies on the chemistry of rhenium complexes.  PI. US$1,800.

12/98-12/99: A Royal Society of Chemistry John William Thomas Jones Research Fund Grant for studies on the chemistry of rhenium complexes.  PI. US$1,800.

10/98-10/00: A Wellcome Trust International Research Development Award. Research involving the bioinorganic chemistry of purple acid phosphatase isolated from soybeans, sweet potatoes, and the porcine uterine fluids.  A collaborative effort with the late Professor A. Geoffrey Sykes of the Department of Chemistry, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K.  Co-PI. US$62,000.

06/98-09/98: A Wellcome Research Travel Grant.  Research involving the bioinorganic chemistry of purple acid phosphatase isolated from soybeans, sweet potatoes, and the porcine uterine fluids. A collaborative effort with the late Professor A. Geoffrey Sykes at the Department of Chemistry, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K.  PI. US$2,800.