Published Articles
Jesse Richman and Krista Andrews. “Climate Change Skepticism in the Flood Zone? Risk and Risk Perception Among Virginia Coastal Residents, 2010–2013” Virginia Social Science Journal 51: 4-11.
Jesse Richman. 2015. “The Electoral Costs of Party Agenda Setting: Why the Hastert Rule Leads to Defeat” Journal of Politics. 77(4): 1129-1141.
Jesse Richman, Gulshan Chattha, and David Earnest. 2014. “Do Non-Citizens Vote in US Elections?” Electoral Studies. 36(December) 149-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2014.09.001
James Battista, Michael Peress and Jesse Richman. 2013. “Common-Space Ideal Points, Committee Assignments, and Financial Interests in the State Legislatures” State Politics and Policy Quarterly. 13 (1) 70-87
Jesse Richman. 2012. “The Political Economy of Congressional Patent Policymaking in the Late 20th Century“ Review of Law and Economics. 8 (1) 91-100. DOI: 10.1515/1555-5879.1546
Jesse Richman and Joshua Behr. 2012. “Cross-pressure and the Propensity to Vote within Politically Active Churches” Virginia Social Science Journal. Vol. 47.
Jesse Richman. 2011. “Parties, Pivots and Policy: The Status Quo Test.” American Political Science Review. Vol. 105, No. 1: 151-165.
Jesse Richman, Howard Richman, and Raymond Richman. 2011. “The Scaled Tariff: A Mechanism for Combating Mercantilism and Producing Balanced Trade” Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy. 12(2) 82-103.
James Battista and Jesse Richman. 2011. “Party Pressure in the U.S. State Legislatures” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 36(3)
Jesse Richman and Andrew Pate. 2010. “Can the College Vote Turn Out?: Evidence from the U.S. States, 2000-08” State Politics and Policy Quarterly. 10(1): 51-68. This article was also reprinted in Kevin B. Smith. 2011. State and Local Government 2010-2011 Edition. Washington: CQ Press, pp 25-33.
Jesse Richman. 2010. “The Logic of Legislative Leadership: Preferences, Challenges, and the Speaker’s Powers” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 35(2): 211-233.
Jesse Richman. 2009. “Congress on the Line: The 2008 Congressional Election and the Obama Presidency” White House Studies, 2009. 9(1) 21-34.
Jesse Richman. 2008. “Uncertainty and the Prevalence of Committee Outliers.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 33(2): 323-347.
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