Reflection in Action


Connecting Reflective and (e)Portfolio Pedagogy


This advanced workshop series is a collaboration between the Improving Disciplinary Writing (IDW) program and the ePortfolio Program, encouraging faculty to further explore concepts introduced in the IDW and eP3 Workshops. As both IDW and eP programs have developed into institutionally supported high impact practices, the need to provide faculty with pedagogical support has increased. As students are introduced to increasingly active learning strategies, it is important for them to also develop reflective habits in order to fully consider what they learned through such activities. As such faculty must be prepared with a variety of strategies for prompting effective and more in-depth reflection. The new workshop is intended for advanced practitioners who have indicated an interest in additional training and is created in response to trends in regards to students’ reflective practices, often within ePortfolios, identified in assessment efforts. We propose a scaffolded approach to training and implementation, with an initial four hour workshop focusing on reflection “in” action, then follow-up units in the ensuing months which centered on the intersection of reflection, pedagogy, and ePortfolios, concluding with an assignment exchange known as a “charrette” and reflection. This workshop functions as an advanced option in both workshop series, encouraging faculty to see how these pedagogical strategies intersect in order to support student learning.